Buying GreenPower in the Australian Capital Territory
ACT electricity consumers contribute to the Territory’s commitment to deliver 100% renewable electricity. ACT consumers can buy additional GreenPower to achieve 100% renewable electricity under Climate Active’s rules or make a further investment in Australian renewable generation.
The ACT Government committed to delivering 100% renewable electricity for the Territory from 2020 under the Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act 2010.
Some electricity accounting methodologies, such as the market-based method used by Climate Active, recognise the proportion of the ACT Government's commitment that has been matched with the ACT Government’s surrender of renewable energy certificates. This is termed the Jurisdictional Renewable Power Percentage (JRPP) and in 2024 this was 79.51%. The JRPP for 2025 has yet not been released.
Climate Active also recognises the Renewable Power Percentage (RPP), except for entities which are exempt from some or all of the Large-scale Renewable Energy Target. In 2025 the RPP is 17.91%.
ACT electricity consumers wishing to source 100% renewable electricity under Climate Active’s market-based accounting method can purchase additional GreenPower to make up the difference.
For most consumers, the difference is approximately 3% in 2025. However, this may vary, and consumers are encouraged to review the guidance referenced below and seek advice on their specific situation.
Under Climate Active’s market-based accounting method, all GreenPower purchases in the ACT are recognised as additional to the ACT Government’s renewable electricity commitment.
Consumers in the ACT can also choose to buy a higher percentage of GreenPower to support transitioning the electricity sector to renewables.
There are other sources of renewable electricity recognised under Climate Active’s market-based method. More information is available in the Climate Active electricity accounting rules.
The Jurisdictional Renewable Power Percentage (JRPP) for the ACT is published in the National Greenhouse Accounts each year.
You can read about the methodology used by the ACT Government to reach their commitment in the Minister’s Annual report.