Common questions
GreenPower is renewable energy from government accredited sources.
GreenPower comes from energy sourced from the sun, wind, water and waste which produce no additional greenhouse gas emissions. It is bought by your energy provider on your behalf. GreenPower is the only government accredited renewable energy in Australia.
Look for the GreenPower ‘tick’ logo.

Because GreenPower meets the highest environmental standards, the ‘tick’ logo tells you the renewable energy you are buying is the best choice for the environment.
Every year, the GreenPower program accesses the sales and purchase records of all GreenPower Providers and checks that they are buying the renewable energy sold to their customers. This is published in the annual audit reports.
Electricity makes up around 50 per cent of a typical household’s greenhouse gas emissions. If you buy 100 per cent GreenPower, your energy company will replace the same amount of energy from renewable sources that would have otherwise been sourced from fossil fuels such as coal.
Drive demand for renewable energy. Your contributions will help grow the renewable energy sector.
You can help reduce water consumption. Renewable energy generators use much less water than coal and gas powered stations.
The more you buy the better. You can choose what percentage of your electricity usage you would like to match with GreenPower.
For example — If you buy 100 per cent GreenPower you have matched all of your household or organisation’s electricity consumption with renewable energy.* This energy is added to Australia’s electricity grids. The more people and organisations that choose to buy GreenPower the more renewable energy is added to the grid.
Call a participating electricity retailer and ask to switch to GreenPower or visit our Find a Provider page for a list of GreenPower Providers.
Yes, but you have to be careful with wording so that there is no ambiguity.
GreenPower matches your electricity use with renewable electricity. As renewable electricity is zero emissions at the point of generation, GreenPower allows you to make a net zero carbon emissions claim on the portion of electricity consumption that you match with GreenPower, in market-based carbon accounting methods, e.g., the Greenhouse Gas Protocol or Climate Active.
You can purchase whatever percentage of GreenPower you would like. If you buy 100% GreenPower to match all of your organisation's electricity consumption, you can then claim that your organisation has net zero emissions relating to its electricity use under the market-based accounting method for Scope 2 emissions.
GreenPower is a national program administered by the New South Wales (NSW) Government.
To search for a career at GreenPower, please visit the 'I work for NSW Government' website (link here).