About GreenPower
Our strategic plan lays out a pathway to support 10.5 million tonnes of carbon emissions reductions.
GreenPower independently audits energy providers to make sure the right amount of renewable electricity is fed into the grid on the customers' behalf.
GreenPower is a government-managed program that makes sure the GreenPower individuals and businesses buy from GreenPower Providers supports greater renewable energy generation in Australia.
The NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water acts as the Program Manager on behalf of the National GreenPower Steering Group.
Demonstrate your sustainability credentials to your customers and stakeholders by promoting your GreenPower purchase.
Get GreenPower and show your business cares about sustainability by choosing net-zero emission energy.
Learn more about how the National GreenPower Accreditation Program operates, including how you can participate as an energy retailer or generator.
We arrange for renewable energy retailers to be independently audited. Here's where you can find our published audits, reports and program reviews.
GreenPower's certification is helping establish a market for renewable gases.
Please see this page for current and closed consultations.